

Microchipping means your pet is permanently identified Australia-wide and can be safely returned to you, even if its collar or Council registration disc has come off.

Owners must microchip their dogs and cats by 12 weeks of age or at the point of sale. This is an expiable offence of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 which Council Officers are authorised to enforce. 

A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice. The microchip is simply and easily injected beneath the skin just like a vaccination and causes no discomfort or pain to the pet. Once microchipped your pet will be permanently identified and details will be recorded for the life of your pet in a nationally accredited database, Central Animal Records. This means your pet is permanently identified Australia-wide and can be safely returned to you, even if its collar or Council registration disc has come off.

For more information, contact Ranger Services on 8366 4239.