
COB Heritage 2019 0F1A1123.jpg

Want to understand the rating system and what council rates pay for? Visit lga.sa.gov.au/councilrates.

Rates are set annually through a Business Plan and Budget process. Council undertakes community consultation each year on the draft Annual Business Plan and Budget in April/May. Register to have your say.

Council is committed to fair and equitable rates with an average rate rise of 6.01% in 2023/24 (excluding growth). This rates increase is lower than the March 2023 Local Government Price Index (LGPI) of 6.4% and allows for a small operating surplus with a Cost of Business (COB) of 6.0%. A small surplus operating position demonstrates Council’s commitment to lean financial management, keeping rates low and affordable, allowing for unexpected events such as the impact from weather events and pandemics.

Property valuations are set by the Valuer-General and are not within Council’s control. The large increases in property values are due to the current trends in the housing market.

If property owners disagree with their valuation, an objection can be raised directly with the Valuations Office. 

Council also has a rates calculator should you wish to estimate an approximate impact on your rates. Please note that Council will adopt the final rates and valuations on 25 June which will determine the impact you see on your rates bill next year.

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to read through the information below. You will find a lot of information on rates and payment options including information in Mandarin. 

Alternatively, please free to contact our Rates Team on 8366 4200 or via email at burnside@burnside.sa.gov.au.