Useful Community Contacts

 Name Phone
Adelaide Metro
Public Transport
1300 311 108
Animal Welfare League 8348 1300
Centrelink 13 62 40 
Commonwealth Care Link 1800 052 222
Concessions hotline 1800 307 758 
Department of Immigration & Citizenship 13 18 81
Disability community & home support SA 1300 786 117
East Waste 8347 5111
Electoral Commission SA 1300 655 232
Hazardous Waste Depot 8204 2051
Legal Services Commission 1300 366 424
My Aged Care 1800 200 422
Parent Helpline (24 hours) 1300 364 100
Public Trustee 8226 9200
Registration and driver’s licences 13 10 84
Service SA general enquiries 13 23 24
Department of Transport 1300 872 677
Department of Planning 1800 752 664