Barking Dogs

barking dog

Dogs are an important part of our local community but dogs that bark excessively can become a source of irritation for neighbours and others using the local environment. Our best friend can, if it barks continually, become an intrusion and create friction between neighbours.

Tips for barking dog owners

Understanding why dogs bark is the first step in resolving a nuisance problem and the Council has provided some simple tips for barking dog owners which may be useful in preventing excessive barking. If these simple tips are ineffective then Council recommends contacting a professional behaviourist to assist.

Why Dogs Bark(PDF, 462KB)
Tips for Barking Dog Owners(PDF, 429KB)

Contacting your neighbour

City of Burnside receives numerous complaints regarding nuisance noise from barking dogs. Approaching the dog’s owner in a neighbourly manner and discussing your concerns with them sometimes easily resolves this type of complaint.

Download our Barking Dog Neighbour Note(PDF, 398KB) template.

Submitting a barking dog complaint

If you are experiencing a barking problem with a neighbour's dog please download and complete the following Barking Dog Complaint Form and submit to Council.

Download our Barking Dog Complaint Form(PDF, 275KB).

What happens with my barking dog complaint?

View our Barking Dog Complaint Procedure(PDF, 116KB) and Barking Dog Complaint Flow Chart(PDF, 134KB) for more information on the process.