Hills Face Zone Burning Policy

Burning is now on application outside the Fire Danger Season. The Fire Danger Season generally runs from November through to April and the dates vary each year due to seasonal conditions. The exact dates are published each year by the CFS, prior to the Fire Danger Season.  Please complete an application form should you wish to burn in the Hills Face Zone outside the Fire Danger Season.

Residents of Burnside are required under the Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016, to seek permission from Council prior to burning any materials. Historically Council has provided a blanket permit system by an ad in the local Messenger for May and September/October.

To be more flexible when residents can burn and to have a more controlled system, Council has now moved to an application process. Residents in the Hills Face Zone can now apply to Council via the application form in the link below, anytime outside the Fire Danger Season.

Each application will be assessed on its merit by the Fire Prevention Officer. Approval is not guaranteed if the Officer believes alternative measures would be more appropriate. Penalties do apply for any person burning without a valid permit.

This process will also allow the Fire Prevention Officer to engage more with residents living in fire prone areas, should you require any advice or assistance.

Should you require further information on the changes recently adopted by Council, the Bushfire Hazard Management Policy(PDF, 136KB) or please contact the Ranger Services Department on 8366 4239 for further information.