Library of Things

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We’re trialing an exciting new collection at Burnside Library, and it’s called the Library Of Things.

Imagine borrowing from a library of tools instead of having your kitchen drawers filled with seldom-used gadgets.
Or, perhaps you're keen to try baking, but have never owned a muffin tray.
What if you could borrow one from the library first, to see if you enjoy using it?

The Library Of Things allows you to try new equipment, get one-time tasks done, or practise new skills before deciding to invest in more household items. You’ll save money, save space, and reduce waste. It promotes community sharing, trying new things, avoiding clutter at home, and reducing the amount of packaging waste in your bin.

Library card holders can borrow up to two Library Of Things items at any one time. Four weeks is our standard loan period. We want as many people as possible to enjoy the collection, so the items cannot be placed on hold. Come in and have a browse instead!

We’re launching the collection with kitchen items only, but we’d love your feedback on this new initiative.